Friday, March 2, 2012

Big Brother!

For the labor/delivery, we dropped off Kiddo with some friends. They didn't have an easy night, as it was 1am, and it took everyone a while to settle! Once Kiddo woke up in a strange place and had breakfast, Daddy went to pick up Kiddo and bring him back to the Birthing Center where he would meet his sister.

We took video of the entire event, but in truth - it was relatively uneventful. It was, however, the beginning of Kiddo's new "mantra": I want to hold her!

Kiddo asks constantly - several times every day - to hold the baby. He also lifts his shirt so he can "nurse" the baby. When we do let him hold her (only about once a day or so) he is pretty good with her. He has had to learn the word "gentle".

After the birth, it took at least a day before kiddo could get back into his regular activity. He tried mimicking the baby - alternated between mimicking mommy and daddy. We promptly decided that he should have his own baby to dress, hit, diaper, throw, and nurse. She even was the first to test out the new bouncy seat:

Overall - he's been a great big brother! He kisses her head. He lies on his belly with her on the floor. He is definitely starting to be a little jealous- and I'm sure that will only get worse as he learns that she is here to stay, and will one day want to share and play with his toys!

For now, our biggest "conflict" is the stroller. Each time he is by the stroller, he insists that it's his! Luckily, we did get a double stroller - and he seems to be learning that he will be sharing it with baby sister!