Monday, March 19, 2012

More laid back?

I never thought I'd be more laid back (didn't think it was possible!) with a new Baby.

However - with several things - it seems I'm learning to (or that I have to) let things go!

For example... I used (religiously!) a timer with Kiddo. With Baby G, it's my watch or nothing... much simpler! (I even did a review about how the timer was my favorite "baby product"!)

We were also terrible about "cleaning" the belly button (with alcohol). It took several more days for belly button day!

I'm also more inclined to set baby down.... and respond just a little less quickly when she cries.

She also seems way more laid back than Kiddo was. She only seems to cry once in a while... and it's usually followed by pooping, spit up, or feeding - and it is over fairly quickly!

So - even though she isn't quite sleeping through the night- she... or perhaps "we"... are a bit more laid back this time around. I think that's probably true for most "second" babies. Poor things.

Quick update: She's had about 3 nights in a row of sleeping 6 hours - from 8:30 to 2:30 or so, so we are making progress on the sleeping through the night!