Friday, March 30, 2012


Speaking of daycare... (It was mentioned in yesterday's post)... as the month is quickly winding down, the "preparing" for daycare is slowly becoming a reality.

As any mother - I have mixed emotions. Mainly, though, the anxiety is starting to set in.

The other day, I warned DH that he might have to be the one to take the baby to daycare on the first day (even though I'm technically not back at work until day 3).

Why mixed emotions? I like going back to work. I dislike pumping. I like the fact that the family will all be on (back to?) a "normal" routine. In some ways, though, I dislike being away from kiddos all day. I like getting back "into the loop" with all my coworkers and friends at work. I dislike the expense.

I do like our daycare. I'm glad we've been there long enough that I know most of the teachers (although, since we've been there, they've hired over 8 new people across the 3 rooms for 0, 1, and 2 year olds!)

Baby G will be the 8th infant in her room, and her teachers will be Miss "A" and Miss Vicky. Her color will be dark purple (ironically, the same color as Kiddo when he was an infant!) I had to stop in and see the "new" setup- a dresser for clothes, and new cribs. It's also amazing how much you forget about having an infant... and what to bring for her on the first day. I don't have a "first day of daycare" outfit for her, either. Hopefully that doesn't somehow make me a bad mom.