Thursday, March 29, 2012

Baby will have a playmate... or two...

I don't know what it is about being pregnant... for me, both times, my awareness of other pregnant women became super heightened!

Although most of the kids we know who were born around the time of Kiddo were out of town (Quinn, Noah, and Neil come to mind.. to name a few!) - with Baby G, I actually know babies in town!

Before Baby G, the assistant director of daycare had a baby girl! Even better... starting next week, they will be in the same "infant" classroom! Her first daycare teachers will be Miss "A" and Miss Vicky.

A coworker had a baby girl, and a few coworkers have had grand babies recently!

Some of our best friends in the area just had a baby boy (3/15 officially)...

So Baby G will have plenty of playmates as she gets older - and for her, she will have friends we know from daycare, but also friends in the area that we did not meet through daycare!